In 2009/2010, the Canadian Sport Centre Calgary invested over 4.2 million dollars directly in Canadian athletes and coaches. The commitment and team spirit of our professional staff and Integrated Support Teams provide the foundation needed for our successful delivery of world-renowned sport services to Canadian athletes and coaches.
Our strategic, long-term, results-based approach to managing our finances allows us to be concise, efficient and effective in the deployment of limited resources while maintaining our focus on stability. Our aim in business is to reflect the CSCC vision, mission and philosophy of consistently delivering integrated programming and services and precise and measurable execution of best business practices.
The CSCC is incorporated under the Societies Act of the Province of Alberta as a not-for-profit organization. The Centre is a tax-exempt registered Canadian amateur athletic association (RCAAA). The independent auditing firm of KPMG audits the CSCC finances annually. Our audited statements are available for public view.
CSCC Audited Financial Statements.pdf